Regression at the Rawlings Reunion (ebook)


This 22,000 word story of erotic horror and weird lesbian romance contains age regression, unbirthing, mental manipulation, unnatural pregnancy, and other unusual kinks.

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The Rawlings family reunion is thrown into chaos by the arrival of an Entity from another plane looking to vacation among the mortals. Soon, the older generations are regressing to unborn children within their daughters’ wombs, and the younger ones are left to deal with the consequences. Still, the Entity is not heartless, and in the end She helps those remaining to find love and acceptance.


A powerful Entity from another plane is drawn to the Rawlings family reunion when it hears Lucy Rawlings’ wish for youth on her 100th birthday. It decides to grant her wish, and rearranges the fates of the entire family as it regresses entire generations to unborn babies within their children’s wombs.

Yet, even as it alters them, the Entity finds Herself bound to the family in a way that She had not expected. By the end She becomes quite close to the mortals She has claimed, very nearly a part of the family Herself.

This 22,000 word story of erotic horror and weird lesbian romance contains age regression, unbirthing, mental manipulation, unnatural pregnancy, and other unusual kinks.

Purchase gets you a .zip file containing the book in .epub, .pdf and .txt format, plus a high-res copy of Donutwish’s excellent cover art.




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